Friday, August 7, 2009

JouRNaL #9

Mader, J & Smith, B. (2009, August). Science + Technology = Creativity (and Fun!). Learning and Leading with Technology, 1, Retrieved 8/7/2009, from

One of the most important tools mentioned in this article, in my opinion, is PowerPoint presentations, which is a tool I was unaware of until my first online course two years into college, and I had to learn how to use it all by myself. It is available to everyone and is not a difficult program to maneuver around even without instruction. When I think of all the ways I could have benefited from using PowerPoint throughout all my school years, it seriously bums me out. I have never been a fan of speeches or oral presentations, as many are usually not, but having a PowerPoint has made it easier for me to present and feel more comfortable. If I was familiar with this technology earlier in my schooling career, I truly believe I could have been better at speaking or performing in front of people. I would always become extremely anxious and begin flub my words, then I would become embarrassed, lose my thoughts, and eventually just give up (needless to say my presentation grades suffered as a result of this). Once I started using PowerPoint presentations, I became more comfortable; this program allows me to integrate pictures, text, video, and links that can aid me during a presentation. Had I become familiar with PowerPoint sooner in school, I feel as though I could have branched out further into the world of technology and utilized personalized video and audio tools to create projects as the article mentions with music videos and play-by-play audio roller coaster coverage. In the end, I believe that if teachers implemented digital technology into their classroom curriculum, their students would be more comfortable and secure with the work they were producing and it would allow them an outlet to reach further and advance into creativity and originality.

1. Why is it necessary for students to have opportunities to use scientific and creative tools?

It helps to give students a place for expression and guides them on a different path of learning and creativity. Providing students with digital tools (cameras, videos, and microphones) will further their basis of wanting to be creative and put their own personal touch and personality into their work and later into their life.

2. How does this technology benefit the student and the classroom?

The benefit lies purely within allowing the student to be or become creative and place their own unique stamp on the curriculum of the classroom.

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