Monday, August 10, 2009

eXTRa CReDiT: JouRNaL #10

Pignatiello, R. (2009, August). New Skills for a New Generation. Retrieved 8/10/2009, from

This article speak about an academy program, the Cisco Networking Academy, whose major goal is to provide the necessities of modern technology in schools with hopes of meeting the diverse nature of today’s students with the knowledge that today’s student has distinct intentions and interests. Students are evolving with the internet and social networks that have encompassed social norms, however, education is not necessarily following the trend and students are suffering in the process. The Cisco Academy opens the door for continued education, expanding professionally, and economic growth. The program is geared to encourage continued education by way of offering college credit units that carry over to assist when entering community college and/or four year universities. Students are taught how to “use actual routing and switching equipment in the classroom” in the event that they choose to continue their education or enter a job that requires them to carry out similar duties and will be require to draw from previous experience from the skills they picked up in the labs sessions and classrooms through the Cisco Academy.

1. What web based programs would benefit students throughout their future?

Computer programs, much like the ones that we have been introduced to and have implemented into our lives through edu422 such as; wikis, blogs, and even Twitter. These types of online programs offer the opportunity for educators to interact with students, as well as for students to interact with one another through social web networking.

2. What benefits will the use of such tools mentioned above provide students?

These tools will aid to build critical-thinking skills, creativity levels, and give students an edge when they are expected to accomplish complicated duties. Furthermore, these tools will serve as guides and help to make students preferred contender throughout the job market and qualify them for high paid employment.

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