Monday, August 10, 2009

Ta Ta FoR NoW!!!

uNTil We MeeT aGaiN...

It's been fun Mr. Sir!

eXTRa CReDiT: JouRNaL #10

Pignatiello, R. (2009, August). New Skills for a New Generation. Retrieved 8/10/2009, from

This article speak about an academy program, the Cisco Networking Academy, whose major goal is to provide the necessities of modern technology in schools with hopes of meeting the diverse nature of today’s students with the knowledge that today’s student has distinct intentions and interests. Students are evolving with the internet and social networks that have encompassed social norms, however, education is not necessarily following the trend and students are suffering in the process. The Cisco Academy opens the door for continued education, expanding professionally, and economic growth. The program is geared to encourage continued education by way of offering college credit units that carry over to assist when entering community college and/or four year universities. Students are taught how to “use actual routing and switching equipment in the classroom” in the event that they choose to continue their education or enter a job that requires them to carry out similar duties and will be require to draw from previous experience from the skills they picked up in the labs sessions and classrooms through the Cisco Academy.

1. What web based programs would benefit students throughout their future?

Computer programs, much like the ones that we have been introduced to and have implemented into our lives through edu422 such as; wikis, blogs, and even Twitter. These types of online programs offer the opportunity for educators to interact with students, as well as for students to interact with one another through social web networking.

2. What benefits will the use of such tools mentioned above provide students?

These tools will aid to build critical-thinking skills, creativity levels, and give students an edge when they are expected to accomplish complicated duties. Furthermore, these tools will serve as guides and help to make students preferred contender throughout the job market and qualify them for high paid employment.

eXTRa CReDiT: JouRNaL #5

Brock, D.H. (2009, August). Show Us the Money! Planning and Persistence Can Help You Get Ed Tech Stimulus Funding. Retrieved August 11, 2009, from

This article touches on an issue that is common and very much current for numerous people, lack of funds. Since it is easy to wait for funds that are expected for the school, the article lays out basic step by step guidelines on the ways to go about receiving funds and grants to support the sought after technology curriculum through different programs such as, Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) and Enhancing Education Through Technology (EETT). These programs, as well as others, can award additional grants and funds to schools for programs to begin and/or continue. Many of these programs are not sought after, but they should be as they provide the necessary financial support to aid such programs that infuse technology into classroom curriculum.

The step by step process as offered in the article is as follows:

Step 1: Create a plan
Step 2: Research results
Step 3: Find success stories
Step 4: Find out what’s available
Step 5: Create a spreadsheet
Step 6: Include professional development
Step 7: Make it look good
Step 8: Develop relationships

The article also states that research has been provided signifying how professional development and the infusion of technology in the classroom settings positively influence the accomplishment, turnout, and discipline of the learners.

1. What are the overall benefits are gained with the addition of technology in the classroom?

The benefits are direct to the students providing inspiration, escalating their reach and need for success, and attracting them in influential ways towards a future with more opportunity.

2. What must teachers do when infusing technology into the curriculum?

Teachers must become familiar with the technology and combine the new materials into the flow study. Teachers must be well aware and enthusiastic about the technology tools infused into the curriculum in order to encourage students to jump on board with the new.


Above is a PowerPoint Presentation that I created using Microsoft PowerPoint. I created slides which included custom animations, graphics, text information, and a hyperlink. This presentation showcases information of my perceptions of ISTE NETS for Students grade level K-2, and how I would implement them into my classroom as a future teacher.

Friday, August 7, 2009

JouRNaL #9

Mader, J & Smith, B. (2009, August). Science + Technology = Creativity (and Fun!). Learning and Leading with Technology, 1, Retrieved 8/7/2009, from

One of the most important tools mentioned in this article, in my opinion, is PowerPoint presentations, which is a tool I was unaware of until my first online course two years into college, and I had to learn how to use it all by myself. It is available to everyone and is not a difficult program to maneuver around even without instruction. When I think of all the ways I could have benefited from using PowerPoint throughout all my school years, it seriously bums me out. I have never been a fan of speeches or oral presentations, as many are usually not, but having a PowerPoint has made it easier for me to present and feel more comfortable. If I was familiar with this technology earlier in my schooling career, I truly believe I could have been better at speaking or performing in front of people. I would always become extremely anxious and begin flub my words, then I would become embarrassed, lose my thoughts, and eventually just give up (needless to say my presentation grades suffered as a result of this). Once I started using PowerPoint presentations, I became more comfortable; this program allows me to integrate pictures, text, video, and links that can aid me during a presentation. Had I become familiar with PowerPoint sooner in school, I feel as though I could have branched out further into the world of technology and utilized personalized video and audio tools to create projects as the article mentions with music videos and play-by-play audio roller coaster coverage. In the end, I believe that if teachers implemented digital technology into their classroom curriculum, their students would be more comfortable and secure with the work they were producing and it would allow them an outlet to reach further and advance into creativity and originality.

1. Why is it necessary for students to have opportunities to use scientific and creative tools?

It helps to give students a place for expression and guides them on a different path of learning and creativity. Providing students with digital tools (cameras, videos, and microphones) will further their basis of wanting to be creative and put their own personal touch and personality into their work and later into their life.

2. How does this technology benefit the student and the classroom?

The benefit lies purely within allowing the student to be or become creative and place their own unique stamp on the curriculum of the classroom.

JouRNaL #8

Bouterse, B., Corn, J.O., & Halstead, E.O. (2009/08, August). Choosing the Perfect Tools for One-to-One. Learning and Leading with Technology, 1, Retrieved 8/7/2009, from

This article is basically an informational guide comparing the different options at one’s disposal for electronic devices in the classroom. It is common to think that there is just one computer to choose from, but this is just not the case. In this article, not only are the different computer systems mentioned, but the different programs that run on these systems are also showcased. As well, an informational side-by-side comparison of the computer systems and their difference is provided in chart form comparing purpose, supported operating systems, install local applications, web applications, install local content, web content, peripheral equipment integration, printer, projector, battery life, and durability. The comparison of the laptops are showcased to allow one to make a decision on what would better suite their style as well as their classroom. I appreciate the comparison chart in the article, similar to one I have made myself when preparing to purchase a new phone; it provides the details needed on each device in order for me or another to make an informed decision on purchase and use.

1. What are the best devices?

To each their own! It would have to be a judgment call based on each individual’s preferences, however, in a school setting, Windows and MAC devices and systems should be most widely used for the simple fact that most are familiar with them and how to operate them, and therefore money and time would not be wasted on training for such systems.

2. Would one-on-one learning initiatives benefit every student?

Absolutely, it would benefit every student that was offered and provided access to these learning initiatives.

Thursday, August 6, 2009

iNSPiRaTioN: NeTS-T I, II, & III

Here is a diagram I created with a program called Inspiration 8. Simliar to a family tree, this diagram contains graphics, links, and informational text showcasing the relation between the ISTE NETS for Teachers and my work and assignments throughout the edu422 course.

Wednesday, August 5, 2009


Below is a document put together collectively in a group effort through Google Docs. I worked with two fellow classmates researching and pulling out key points involved in using copyright information to report on and further our knowledge of our rights in using copyright materials in our classrooms.



422 Crossword

Above is a crossword puzzle I created using Microsoft Excel Spreadsheet. Through the online tutorials provided by Atomic Learning, I was able to apply the proper formatting to create a working puzzle. This was embedded into my blog using Scribd.


Below is a Classroom Newsletter that I created using Microsoft Word. Through Word I utilized graphics, drop cap text, borders, specialized bullet points, and tables. I embedded this newsletter into my blog with Scribd.

422 Newsletter

iMoVie: NeTS I, II, & III

Here is short Public Service Announcement I created on a MAC computer using iMovie about California State University San Marcos. Through the different tools within iMovie I was able to edit video clips, incorporate transitions from one slide to the next in order to achieve a smooth flow to the picture, and added audio, text and special effects, as well I incorporated a personalized voice over. Feel free to press play for a preview!

Monday, August 3, 2009

MooF WiKi: NeTS I, II, & III


This is a Wiki page that I created using Wetpaint. Wikis can be accessed, commented on and edited by all users. For my Wiki page, I found a free social network music media player called Moof, that allows one to search and save music and videos by any artist into a personal library to be played at their convenience. As well Moof allows one to upload their own person music from iTunes into their Moof library as a backup of files. Moof also allows access from any computer. I have embedded my Wiki into this blog using Embedit.

JouRNaL #7: NeTS I, II, III, & V

Reynard, R (2009, July). Beyond Social Networking: Building Toward Learning Communities. THE Journal, Retrieved August 3, 2009, from

This article touches on the ups and downs of social networking sites and there relevance to the classroom. In the article it is suggested that an integration of social networking sites and the classroom could be a way for teachers and students to connect on a level that is more comfortable for the student, the fact of the matter is teachers and students are supposed to be socializing on that aspect. Students use these networking sites to express themselves, talk to friends, and many other things that they usually attempt to separate from their school and classroom settings, it is a place from them to have their own secure private space that teachers, parents, and people who they do not consider friends cannot invade.

1. Is it a good thing to have teachers and students become friend on social networking sites?

In my opinion, not so much! I do not think that the line between teacher and student should be crosses in cyberspace any more than it is allowed in face- to- face setting. If students and teachers are not allowed to converse on a phone call, they should not be socializing on the web either. Once the teacher and student are not in class together and there are no issues around legal age, if one wants to befriend the other on a social networking site that could be fine. There could be a class based site were students and teachers interact (as we have with Blackboard and WebCT), but class agendas and issues should not held in the networks of facebook, twitter, or any other social site.

2. Are there any risks integrating social networking sites with classes?

Yes! Social networking sites can contain much personal information and that can be used against either party in any situation, plus everything is text form (emails and all forms of messaging) can be taken out of context and statements can be interpreted incorrectly. Tone cannot be heard through text and therefore if you are not completely familiar with the person with whom you are exchanging text/messages with, many things can be construed wrong. I think it is a bad idea all together; the worlds should be kept separate.