Monday, July 27, 2009

JouRNaL #2: NeTS V

Robson, M. (2009, July 13). How Teenagers Consume Media: the Study that Shook the City. Retrieved 7/27/09, from

This article simply showcases the evolution of technology and how everything has changed. I remember what a huge deal is was to go from cassette tapes to CD’s and how teens now do not even know what a cassette tape is (I won’t even go further back than that). Change is going to continue to occur is the vibe I was receiving from this article. Basically on a continuous basis, no matter what we get used to it will eventually change into something more current and “user friendly”. Plus everything on the internet is easier now, (conversation, contact, information, and work) it is just an all around way for things to get done and to keep connected. I know if it were not for the internet I would not be in touch with many people because I am not a talker, I like to text and email, I do not like to sit on the phone; therefore, this has made it easy for me to keep contact with many. As for news papers and radio, I am on the same wave link, with the exception of a morning talk show, I do not listen to the radio anymore, but rather to my iPod or Pandora internet streaming radio, this way I do not have to hear commercials or songs that I cannot stand.

1. Has television evolved in a good or bad way?

I think television has seen the biggest turn around ever since TiVo and DVRs came in the picture. Having the option to record two or more programs at once as well as watch a program is pure genius. I definitely believe television has evolved in a good way. I personally do not watch live television programs anymore, everything I watch (or that I have time for) is what is recorded or saved on my TiVo.

2. What is the benefit behind TiVo and/or DVR boxes?

These boxes are beneficial to those that lead busy lives and do not necessarily have time for television at its scheduled time settings. For me personally, it is great because I can skip right through commercials (my favorite part), and just watch the program I wanted to see. The only down side is that I miss a lot of promotions for other shows and such. It is the best of both worlds in any case.

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