Monday, July 27, 2009

JouRNaL #1: NeTS I, III, & V

Owens, Aileen M. (2009). Do your teachers need personal trainers?. Learning and Leading with Technology, Retrieved 7/27/09, from

I found it extremely interesting that this project involved students interning in elementary grades and aiding younger students in alternate ways in which to conduct research and work on projects. I believe volunteering or interning are the most import positions especially for students, most of the time the hours are mandatory, but the students truly benefit from the experience and knowledge regardless. I really appreciate the approach and outlook of this program to bring students and teachers together, working in unison in order to further improve teaching and learning.

1. What would be a benefit of using technology based lesson plans?

Of many, one of the more obvious benefits would be having everything on file electronically and the ability to reference the material at any point in time. This would make it easier to track when certain lessons took place, by which method, and allow the teacher to reflect on the triumph or failure of the project.

2. How would students benefit from technology in the classroom?

An important benefit, I believe, would be the overall access to the material. An issue of concern faced by students is the aftermath of an absence. When students miss a day of schooling they used to try to make up the work they missed, if it was possible and allowed by the teacher, however, technology would allow the student to access the material and stay in the flow of the course work.

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